Computational Fluid Dynamics: Atmospheric entry applications

During the entry phase of spacecrafts into a planetary atmosphere, the kinetic energy is converted in thermal energy. The modeling of these processes involves physical processes such as disociation, radiation and ionization. R.Tech Engineering has a large experience in these domains and can provide highly accurate solutions in short turn around times thanks to the specific infrastructure (cluster technology supercomputer, multiblock thermo-chemical non-equilibrium CFD code, quality grid generator).
Grid generation:

R.Tech has a large expertise in grid generation around complex 3D models.
Since a good mesh is an important prerequisite to any quality CFD computation, R.Tech is using and distributing one of the best mesh generator on the market: GridPro.
GridPro is an automatic structured hexaedral mesher producing very high quality grids on many type of models wich is a perfect preprocessor for all type of CFD computations.
Wind Engineering:

Either in house developed software, or Open-Source CFD codes are used in the wind engineering CFD activities. An automated siting tool for wind tunnel parks is under development using a statistical analysis of meteorological data and terrain and infrastucture data.

While the R.Tech tools are originally developed for high speed flows, they can be perfectly applied to the transonic and the subsonic regime. To demonstrate the capabilities and to compare with different participants in order to advance the state of the art in numerical modelling of high lift flight configurations, a participation in the scientific NASA High Lift Workshop is foreseen for 2010.